
「寺子屋やぎや」さんは見晴らしのいい丘の上にあり、風が吹き抜けて山や田畑を一望できる。 はじめて訪れたときに、シロヤギとクロヤギが前の敷地に放たれていて、ここで何も考えず一日中景色やヤギを眺めてたいな〜と感じていた。ヤギの停留所では時間通りに来ないヤギたち、シロヤギ「や〜」とクロヤギ「ぎ〜」を待つ停留所。ヤギの気分と食べ物をあげると近づいてきてくれる。 ヤギと心が繋がり、気分が晴れたら、次へと出発してくださいませ。

みかのはら〜と[寺子屋やぎや] _kyoto



“Terakoya Yagiya” is located on a hill with a great view, where you can enjoy the breeze and the panoramic view of the mountains and fields. When I visited for the first time, there were two goats, a white one and a black one, roaming in the front yard. I felt like I could spend the whole day just sitting there and enjoying the scenery and the goats.
At the goat station, you can wait for the goats, who are not always on time. The white goat “Ya” and the black goat “Gi” will come up to you if you are patient and give them some food.
When you feel connected to the goats and your mood is lifted, please set off for your next destination.